You’ve decided to renovate your home office but you are unsure how to start? That’s completely normal, as there are tons of things you need to take care of before starting the process. What you need to know is that you need a good plan and an excellent organisation. You can even do a checklist and go step by step by making sure you have taken care of the step before moving onto the next one. To help you facilitate your process, here are some tips that are extra useful and can show you the right direction. Ready to take notes? Ok, here we go.
So, you must decide how much renovation you want to do. Is it every aspect of the room, or only a selected part? Are you going to change everything in the room or will you be focusing on the furniture or perhaps the colour of the walls and lighting fixtures? When you have made your decision, you can start your project.
Always know how much you are planning to spend and never go over that sum. Because, in the end, there is a great chance that you will end up spending more even if you were in the limits of the budget (for example, for some extra costs you haven’t planned previously). If you think, well this laminate flooring is a bit expensive maybe I can cut on something else, you are probably wrong as you will always have a better and more expensive solution and you won’t be able to secure the money for it. So stick with the budget you have previously set and choose the best within its limits.
If you want tor home to be remodelled for a certain event or celebration in the future, make sure that the renovation process will be finished by that point in time. Consult the renovation company and ask for a guarantee that the job will be done by that day. Always leave space for miscalculations or days that will pass by without any work done on the house as everything can happen.
If they are good, there won’t be any problem in providing you with the references you want. Plus a copy of liability insurance is also a must. However, don’t trust only client testimonials but look further into the matter. Ask to see some work done by the contractor and ask as many questions as you want – because being comfortable in your future home office is all that is important to you.
Also, you need to plan the design of your renovated home. The best way to do this is by asking for a virtual staging service by a virtual staging designer that can do the design of your home office digitally and provide you with as many different looks as you wish. You just need to provide them with a photo of the vacant space of the room and choose the designing style. The rest is up to them. You can use the digitally done photos to plan, buy and arrange the furniture in your renovated home office.
Finally, you need to make sure that your home office is just what its name suggests-an office. Keep the children out of the room and arrange everything as you would in an office far from home. It is very important to make it feel like an office because the concentration on the work tasks will feel different if you have a working ambience around you. Let me make it more clear to understand – hang up some motivational posters on the wall, get cabinets and fill them with folders of documents, put a photo frame of your family on the desk and organise your stationery. After all, you need to feel like you are away from home while you are spending your work hours working.
That’s it! Do these things before moving onto the checklist that needs to have all the information about renovating and make sure you don’t miss out anything.
About the Author
Anna Bridgestone is a freelance writer from the USA . In her free time, she is working with Virtual Staging Plans.