Pathway Team volunteers at annual ‘LUNGFORCE Walk

Pathway Design & Construction volunteered for the annual LUNGFORCE Walk Woodland Park Zoo 2017’ fundraising event with the American Lung Association.

At Pathway Design & Construction, we are passionate about ‘healthy building’ and believe that indoor air quality matters and should be built into every remodel project. It is the reason we tailor our material selections and methods to clients’ chemical sensitivities.

We also promote the importance of healthy air quality wherever possible…. and volunteering at the LUNG FORCE WALK is one way we help raise awareness and funds to fight against lung cancer and for lung health.

To see how you can get involved visit:

Paul Kocharhook

About Paul Kocharhook

Paul Kocharhook, Certified Aging in Place Specialist, (CAPS), MCGP and Owner of Pathway Design & Construction, based in SODO Seattle. Download your Remodel Reality Check quick sheet and walk through the main points in a remodel project.

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