Jacob William Teitelbaum

Jacob worked in restaurants for 10 years before pivoting during COVID and joining Pathway in 2021. Certified in OSI window and door installations, as well as in lead abatement, he enjoys helping customers realize the potential of their homes and working with a team to achieve tangible results.

A bass player in the band Denim Genie, Jacob loves exploring the great outdoors “from the PNW to the Pyrenees,” watching baseball, and bartending. He also volunteers writing grants for Minds Matter Seattle, an educational nonprofit.

Jacob and his partner, Emily, live in South Seattle with her high-schooler, Geoffrey. They are pursuing various projects to make their home unique—one long-term goal is to build a sustainable house off the grid. We like his chances, not only because of his skill as a remodeler, but also because he never had his wisdom teeth removed, which Jacob says makes him “extra smart.”