When you begin a remodeling project, you’re all excited about the changes that will enhance your home. It’s normal to feel a little overwhelmed to have such a substantial task before you. However, it will all be worth it in the end. If this is your first time doing this kind of project, or you’ve done it many times in the past, then you must realize that organization is critical. Here are four considerations to remember as you do your renovations.
It Will Always Cost More
Budgeting is always a big concern when you’re tackling a remodeling job. Let’s assume your budget for a bedroom renovation was $10,000. It would be best if you had a 10-15 percent cushion because there can and will be overages. Nothing ever goes as planned, and you need to ensure that you have some money to tackle unforeseen expenses. You might also realize that there are more things you would like to upgrade as your home improves overall. Talk to your internet providers, roofing contractors, whoever else you think should get involved in the process. You might even find opportunities to save money.
Electrical and Plumbing Upgrades Require Special Permits
If you are adding an addition or enhancing a space, then you may need to call in a professional electrician. Getting permits often requires a skilled professional to sign off on them for your work to pass inspection. In addition to getting permits for the structure, you will also need licenses for the electric and plumbing needs too.
The Timeline Will Fluctuate
Do you remember the old movie from the 1980s called “The Money Pit?” in the film, the couple took on the significant task of renovating a mansion. They were frazzled with the timeline, and anytime they asked the contractor when the job would be completed, they always responded that it would be done in two weeks. Month after month went by, and the couple was always told the same thing.
If you’re hiring a contractor, then you may need to ensure they stay on schedule. Never pay someone for work until it’s done. Additionally, know that there will always be setbacks and things that hold up the process.
Dealing with Permits Is a Headache
Each municipality has regulations for permits needed to do any major renovations. Some areas tend to be stricter than others, and there are massive fines that you might receive if you don’t do things correctly. Check with your city code enforcement to see what is required for your job. Your contractor may have to submit plans and have them approved before work can begin. Remember, getting an approval will take time, and don’t expect the city to be in any hurry to get your permits for you.
Remodeling can be challenging, especially if you are living in the home while the construction is happening. It’s essential to keep a list and make sure you check off things as they are accomplished. Also, if you keep these four tips in mind, then it will help you to keep your sanity during this stressful time.
About the Author
Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and walks in the park with her three-year-old husky, Snowball.