Pathway achieves 2018 Guildmaster Award for Service Excellence

Pathway Design & Construction is proud to achieve the 2018 Guildmaster Award* for Service Excellence, demonstrating an ability to deliver superior customer experience within the residential construction industry.

*Since 2005, GuildQuality, an Atlanta-based third-party customer satisfaction software surveying company, has powered the Guildmaster Award to recognize and celebrate home building, remodeling, and contracting professionals demonstrating the highest level of customer service within the U.S. and Canada.

Out of 600+ eligible applicants, Pathway Design & Construction is one of 300+ businesses within the residential construction industry recognized by GuildQuality for consistently delivering superior customer care.

In determining which businesses received the 2018 Guildmaster Award, GuildQuality reviewed thousands of survey responses submitted by customers of Guildmaster candidates and considered two primary metrics for each candidate: the percentage of customers stating they would recommend the business to friend and the percentage of customers who responded.

Pathway Design & Construction achieved a recommendation rate of 90% or above from their customers surveyed by GuildQuality.

 “In a very competitive market Pathway consistently delivered high quality, on-time work. They kept an immaculate job site, we’re always available by email, text, or phone, and stuck to the milestones and benchmarks established at the beginning.” – Chris V., Seattle Remodel GuildQuality review

Paul Kocharhook

About Paul Kocharhook

Paul Kocharhook, Certified Aging in Place Specialist, (CAPS), MCGP and Owner of Pathway Design & Construction, based in SODO Seattle. Download your Remodel Reality Check quick sheet and walk through the main points in a remodel project.

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