How to Retrofit Your Home to Improve Energy Efficiency

Improving your home’s energy efficiency can deliver an 18.5% annual return, “nearly double that of long-term stocks,” according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).  Energy retrofitting involves replacing or installing parts of your home to make them more energy efficient. When you improve energy efficiency in your home, you’re saving money on…

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10 Amazing Laundry Room Remodel Ideas

How often do you say, “Hey, want to hang out in the laundry room?” Probably never. Laundry rooms are designed with functionality in mind, but their aesthetics are overlooked. However, with some inspiration and innovation, a laundry room remodel can transform it into a beautiful, stylish space you enjoy spending time in.  From savvy storage…

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How to Remodel Split-Level Homes

Split-level homes became popular in the mid-20th century, characterized by their distinct separation of living spaces on multiple levels. While these homes have their appeal, they’re not always the easiest to remodel.  Whether you’re planning a full-scale renovation or just looking for inspiration, here are several creative ways to remodel split-level homes to make them…

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How to Remodel Your Home for Renters

Renters comprise more than 44 million people, or roughly 35.9% of all households. With the housing market steadily continuing to climb and the rental market becoming increasingly competitive, more homeowners are realizing the benefits of renting out their homes.  However, if you want to attract a higher rental income and attract quality tenants, your home…

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Healthy Homes: Improve Your Living With These 4 Quality Designs

Healthy home designs prioritize your physical and mental well-being while enhancing the quality of your residence.  At Pathway, we believe homes shouldn’t just be beautiful and functional. They should also be comfortable, enjoyable places to live. We specialize in four different healthy home designs:  Green building Aging-in-place Biophilic design Universal design  Each of these designs…

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The Cost Benefits of Preparing your Home to Age in Place

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As we age, the prospect of leaving our home to move into an assisted living facility becomes increasingly daunting. After all, our home is where we’ve raised our families and made cherished memories. With Americans living longer and healthier lives than ever before, many seniors are opting to age in place (i.e. stay in their…

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